
My Complete Atom Setup Tutorial


I will show you the most valuable packages for me. And I show you how to install Atom

Atom is the IDE developed by GitHub and it is completely hackable which means you can customize it as you want. I use Atom for programming for more than two years.

A “hackable text editor for the 21st century”

Since I have just installed my default laptop again with Parrot Security OS, one of the first things I always do is install an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or text editor. Over the years I have tried many other IDE, such as Pycharm, Geany, Sublime and others.

Besides Vim (which I often use for small things) especially when it comes to the terminal. Atom is my main, and for the time being I don’t see why I should change.

Atom supports a large number of programming languages by default like Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Less, C, C++, Coffee-script, etc. If you working with a language that is not supported by default in Atom then don’t worry usually there is a plugin or package for that language you can install.

Some reasons why I like Atom:

  • Easy extensibility
  • Cross-platform editing
  • Find and replace
  • Built-in package manager
  • “Smart auto completion”
  • Built-in file browser
  • Multi-pane viewing
  • Customize styling with your own CSS/LESS


In this video, I’ll show you how to install Atom, and which packages are my favorites.



I must say that I left Linter because I have a love-hate relationship with it. It shows you errors in your script. But also mistakes if, for example, you made a space too much at the end of the line. Of course I leave the choice to you 😃

What is your favorite IDE?


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✓ This Video and Article is made for educational purposes and pentest only.

✓ You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.

✓ This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or damaging attacks…!

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All the techniques provided in the tutorials on, are meant for educational purposes only.

If you are using any of those techniques for illegal purposes, can’t be held responsible for possible lawful consequences.

My goal is to educate people and increase awareness by exposing methods used by real black-hat hackers and show how to secure systems from these hackers.



By Bulls Eye

Jolanda de koff • email donate

My name is Jolanda de Koff and on the internet, I'm also known as Bulls Eye. Ethical Hacker, Penetration tester, Researcher, Programmer, Self Learner, and forever n00b. Not necessarily in that order. Like to make my own hacking tools and I sometimes share them with you. "You can create art & beauty with a computer and Hacking is not a hobby but a way of life ...

I ♥ open-source and Linux