

Hacking is not a hobby but a way of life ♥

Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release

Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool. Before we start the year 2020, today there is a new big release ..! I am so happy that I have found some inspiration again .. Just at the last minute. Please note, if you have already installed Shodan Eye on your computer, then it is worthwhile to read it carefully. Of course, even if you don’t know this Shodan tool yet. Shodan Eye Search Engine Shodan Eye collects and returns all information about every device that is directly connected to the internet.

Wi Ploit Wi Fi Exploit Tool

Wi-Ploit is a library of Wi-Fi exploitation tools. Supports the latest other tools e.g: Aircrack-ng etc. Attacks: Rogue Access Point (hostapd). Rogue Access Point (hostapd-mana). WPS attack (Reaver) * Upcoming. A rogue access point is a wireless access point that has been installed on a secure network without explicit authorization from a local network administrator, whether added by a well-meaning employee or by a malicious attacker. Rogue Access Point (hostapd) Scan the networks.

Getting Started With Ghost Eye

Ghost Eye is an Information Gathering - Footprinting and Reconnaissance Tool I made in Python 3. It includes some important tools for Information Gathering. Install Ghost Eye on Linux I advise everyone to read this carefully, it is often forgotten during installation that Ghost Eye is using python3. So before to move further, please check if Python 3 is already present in your machine. If you need to install it, just follow the below commands.

Best Operating System for Ethical Hacking and Pentesting

Linux is an extremely popular operating system for hackers. First of all, Linux’s source code is freely available because it is an open-source Operating System (OS). This means that Linux is very easy to modify and customize. Second, there are countless Linux security distros available. It is extremely important to develop your Linux skills to become an “Ethical Hacker”. Nearly all the tools that hackers use are developed for Linux.

Android Hacking with Termux

Embark on a journey into Android hacking with Termux, an indispensable app for enthusiasts and professionals alike. My long-term experience with Termux has shown me the incredible capabilities it offers, both with and without root access. While the vast potential of Termux is too extensive to capture in a single article, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive starting point for your exploration. As a powerful terminal emulator, Termux brings a full-fledged Linux environment to your Android device.

Best Linux Commands Hacks and Other Cool Tricks for Beginners

In this article, I will try to cover the most useful Linux commands that every hacker, pentester, and expert in cybersecurity must know !! HACKERS LOVE THE TERMINAL You are a hacker Your home is the terminal. You work on several projects at once, You know every keystroke is valuable. With just some commands, you can automate tasks, install your favorite software, view a whole network, find vulnerabilities on just about anything connected to the internet, compile a script, create additional user accounts, properly configure anonymity software, and optimize your interactions with terminals.

Google Dorks an Easy Way of Hacking

Google Dorks Google Dorks A frequently asked question to me, “Where should I start learning how to hack ?”. And every time, the first thing I want to answer is: “Why don’t you start by using Google ?”. Personally, Google is one of my best friends in Hacking, and I’m sure Google will be yours too after reading this article. All you need to carry out to move further with “Google Dork”, is a computer, an internet connection, and knowledge of the appropriate search syntax.

How to Use Nmap Nse Scripts to Find Vulnerabilities

Find Vulnerabilities, Nmap has a lot of features and one of them is a built-in script interpreter called NSE Nmap Scripting Engine. Nmap is one of the most used and best port scanning tools that exist and is the favorite for many people including for me. But Nmap is not only a port scanner, but this tool is also much more and has so many features. In this article, we highlight the Nmap Script Engine (NSE).

Shodan Eye Getting Started With Shodan

Shodan Eye collects and returns all information about every device that is directly connected to the internet and according to the keywords you entered. What type of devices can be found with Shodan Eye The types of devices that are indexed can vary enormously. It can be from small desktops to refrigerators or either nuclear power plants, webcams, water treatment facilities, coffee machines, yachts, medical devices, traffic lights, wind turbines, license plate readers, smart TVs and much more.

Cr3dov3r Credential Reuse Attack

Cr3dOv3r This tool checks your credentials on different websites and looks for if your email is in some data leak. Your best friend in credential reuse attacks. You give Cr3dOv3r an email then it does two simple useful jobs with it: Search for reuse attack public leaks for the email and returns the result with the most useful details about the leak Now you give it a password or a leaked password then it tries these credentials against some well-known websites (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Google…), tells if the login was successful and if there’s captcha somewhere blocking our way!