Wi Ploit Wi Fi Exploit Tool

Wi-Ploit is a library of Wi-Fi exploitation tools. Supports the latest other tools e.g: Aircrack-ng etc.
- Rogue Access Point (hostapd).
- Rogue Access Point (hostapd-mana).
- WPS attack (Reaver) * Upcoming.
A rogue access point is a wireless access point that has been installed on a secure network without explicit authorization from a local network administrator, whether added by a well-meaning employee or by a malicious attacker.

Rogue Access Point (hostapd)
- Scan the networks.
- Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s necessary to verify the password)
- Use WEB Interface *
- Launch a FakeAP instance to imitate the original access point
- Spawns a MDK3 process, which deauthenticated all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP and enter the WPA password.
- A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running the script
- A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password
- Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured earlier
- The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct password is submitted.
Rogue Access Point (hostapd-mana)
hostapd-mana is a featureful rogue wifi access point tool. It can be used for a myriad of purposes from tracking and deanonymising devices (aka Snoopy), gathering corporate credentials from devices attempting EAP (aka WPE) or attracting as many devices as possible to connect to perform MitM attacks.
Attracting as many devices as possible to connect to perform MitM attacks.
- Scan the networks.
- Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s necessary to verify the password)
- Use WEB Interface *
- Launch a FakeAP instance to imitate the original access point AND VICTIMS AUTOMATICALLY CONNECTS TO CREATED FAKEAP
- Spawns a MDK3 process, which deauthenticated all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP and enter the WPA password.
- A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running the script
- A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password
- Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured earlier
- The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct password is submitted

- Kali Linux OS or Ubuntu 18.04 OS (Also tested on Parrot Security)
- You will need an external Wireless Adapters
Recommended Wireless Adapters Chipsets
- Atheros: ATH9KHTC (AR9271, AR7010)
Tested: AR9271 (AWUS036NHA) - Ralink: RT3070
- Realtek: RTL8192CU

Just make sure you hit ctrl+c when you’re satisfied with the SSID scan, capture the handshake and then launch.

Wi-Ploit Version
b = major release
c = minor release
- vk496 - developer(s) of linset
- deltaxflux - developer(s) of fluxion
- SensePost - developer(s) of hostapd-mana
- https://github.com/Johnler/Wi-Ploit (Johnler)
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✓ This Video and Article is made for educational purposes and pentest only.
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